Minggu, 04 Desember 2011

Beauty and The Beast

Diposting oleh miftachannisa di 19.16

In a village located not far from the palace, lived a beautiful girl named Bella, she lived with Her Father, Tom. She had two friends, they are Allicia and Vivian. In one day, Her Father getting ready to go to the woods.
Bella    : "Dad, do not forget your lunch."
Tom    : "Oh, yes, of course. Thank you. Take care, Bella .. “
Bella    : "Yeah Dad.. You too.”
Tom    : "Bye ... ..."

--- Later that night ---
That night, someone banged on the door of the Bella’s house.
Allicia : “Bella! Hurry up!”
Bella    : "Ugh, who's that?"
Allicia : "It's me, Allicia.Get out, I have important news. "
Bella    : “What happen?? "
Allicia : "Your Dad was captured by the monster castle."
Bella    : "Hah!? Who told you? "
Allicia : "A boy was wandering in the forest. He said, your dad went into the castle, but he did not come out. "
Bella    : "WHAT? Come on ... we must help him."
Allicia : "Um, Bella, you know I'm really want to help your dad, but I can not. I was - um, - meeting. Ah, yes!. Crucial meeting. Mr Sukri will be angry if I didn’t come. So, yes, goodbye - and good luck!"
Bella    : "Huh!coward! friend what sort you! I’d better go now!!”

Bella went to the forest. Finally, Bella find the castle.
Bella Entering the castle.Then Bella heard someone ask for help. She keep looking, she saw Her Dad. His hands and his legs tied by Beast..
Tom    :"Hey, anyone who was there!..Help me. Let me go. I beg of you! "
Bella    : “Dad..!!! what do you do here? I'll help you! "
Tom    : “Bella? thank god
The Beast come over to Bella
Tom    : “Oh god! No! Bella, Bella, you don’t mind me! Save yourself, while you can! Go home!”
Bella    : "No way! are you talking about?! I can’t leave you! "
Tom    : "You want to die? Come home to the village! CAUTION, behind you! Bella RUN! RUN!! "

The Beast capture Balla. The Beast was large, hairy, ugly, smelly. Then bella fainted.
Bella was placed in a very luxurious room. However, just in front of, the creature was standing. Bella bring herself to talk to him.
Bella    : "I do not care what creature you. However, what have you done to him was wrong!”
Beast   : "he has entered into the palace without my permission! Now she must live in the palace as a janitor!"
Bella    : "No! Help! I beg of you ... Let him go ... Let me be your janitor! But remove My Father!”
Beast   : "Hmm ... okay. You'll stay here replace the position of Your Dad.”
Bella    : “Okay…I will..”
Beast   : "Tom, Bella had agreed to swap its position with you. "
Tom    : "What!? No!!” I will never agree do this! "
Bella    : "It's okay. I'll be fine here. " 
Tom ran off the court is
Bella    : “Beast, ...”
Beast   : “What ...?”
Bella    : “Is not there anyone else here besides you?”
Beast   : “No .. just me, this house and you ..Now..Clean the entire room, and don’t get into my room.”
Bella    : “Uhm ...Well ...”

At the castle, there is only bella and beast. In that castle, Bella became janitor, every day he was always asked to cook, clean the castle. But strangely, the work is always done, but he was not yet complete, as there are other people who helped him finish the job. But who..!
---At the Morning---
Magic  : “Uhm .... Uhm ....”
Bella    : “Who ... who is it ...? “
Magic  : “Do not be afraid ... So your name is Bella, Raight?
Bella    : “You know ...?”
Magic  : “Yes ... of course I know .. I hear and know everything that happens in this house”
Bella    : “Who are you ...?”
Magic  : “Introducing ... my name is Magic .. “
Bella    : “Why are you here ... in this horrible place?”
Magic  : “I am the guardian of the prince Ardyn?”
Bella   : “Prince Ardyn..?”
Magic  : “I know ... you must be confused ... the ugly prince who talked to you is the prince Ardyn ... Actually he was kind, and friendly. He became like that because it was bewitched by a very wicked witch. His name is ... Narnia ..”
Bella    : “But why now he fiendish ??”
Magic  : “She appear strong right?? actually his heart is fragile?? she must seek someone who loved him sincerely. true love ...”
Bella    : “Oh… so Pity..could I asking you?”
Magic  :” Sure… Why Not..”
Bella    : “Uhm ... why am I not allowed to go into her room?”
Magic  : “Because he does not want his identity known to others ... “
Bella    : “could I ask one more question to you?”
Magic  : “What..??”
Bella    : “Do you often help to solve my job?”
Magic  : “ No, I never hel to solve your job..”
Bella    : “ Then Who..?”
Magic  : “ Beast.You didn’t Know, Riaght?. Beast secretly help you.”
Bella    : “ Beast…?”
Magic  : “ Oh yeah… I remind ...never entered his room ... or you will be killed by him ...”
Bella    : " Is there anything there? I want to see it."
Magic  : "Oh no, Bella.. Please, for your savety. Don’t ever enter his room.You must promise me. "
Bella    : “Ok… I promise…Bye Magic…”
Magic  : “Bye Bella…”
---At The Night---
Without thinking, Bella enters the room. He saw the roses which is located inside a glass jar.. That rose Remaining 2 petals. An then, Beast come.
Beast   : "What are you doing here?"
Bella    : "Beast, I…I…I walking .."
Beast   : "You mustn’t here. Now you have to ---“
The 1 rose petals fall, leaving 1 petal again.
Beast   : "Oh, no. I lost my time .... "
Bella    : "Tell me, exactly what---'it'?"
Beast   : "If I have not found true love until the last petals fall, I will stay like this forever. Well, now you have to get out of this room.”

--- In the Bella’s house---
Tom    : “ Oh Bella, my daughter… whether there are you okay? Tonight I had to save Bella from that being ugly.”
--- At the Night---
Tom  prepare all the tools that he needs to save bella. And Then, He go to the Castle.
--- 12 pm At the Castle---
Tom    : “Wait me, I will save you Bella..!!”
Tom    : “That’s for my daughter..!!”
Beast   : “Arrgghhh….!!!”
Tom    : “Remember this I'll be back tomorrow. I can not possibly meet with my daughter in this state”
Beast losing a lot of Blood. He lying.
---At the Bella’s room---
Magic  : “Bella ... Bella ... please help Beast... he had seriously injured in his room.”
Bella    : “What ..?”
Bella goes to follow the Beast.
Bella    : "Why did you kill yourself? You idiot "
Beast   : "Hey, do not cry. You look ugly when you're sad. I did not commit suicide.Your Father stab me.”
Bella    : “My father…??”
Beast   : “Yes..I know, he is kind. He just went to save you for me..”
Bella    : “Forgive my father..!!”
Beast   : “No problem…Besides, left only 1 rose petal. I have no hope anymore. I love you "
Bella    : "Oh no, you mustn’t die. Who will mantain me. I..I .I also love you Beast.”
Then something magical happened. Beast wounds begin to fade. The curse was gone. He has found true love. Now in front of Bella had a handsome prince.
Then, the Prince has been awakened. Finally, the Beast-I mean, the prince Ardyn married with Bella. And they all live happily.

--------THe EnD--------

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