Long ago, in an Egyptian town, a young man named Qarun. Qarun is a cousin of Prophet Musa. In the beginning He was an extremely pious young man and well,he is a follower of Moses, but he was poor. One day he came to the prophet Moses, so he prayed to be rich, so that worship can be more diligent, and able to help his brethren the Children of Israel. The Prophet Moses then prayed forand with the permission of Allah, Qarun became very wealthy. He not only successful in breeding, but also became one of the ministers by Ramses II, wholived at the time.
Her goal to become a rich man now reached.
Unfortunately, the wealth has made him forget and ungodly. Initial intention to focus more on worship. Qarun who waspoor but good and pious, Qarun now a wealthy but arrogant and ungodly.Disobedience that not only do not obey the prophet Moses, but he had forgottenGod. Which was to worship God, now worship Sobek, the crocodile-headed god, and the other gods. Perhaps what is particularly relevant given by God in the hadith that there are servants who deliberately given poverty, that if given the wealth he would be ungodly. There is also a given property, because if givenpoverty, he would sin. Qarun including those who were given wealth but he isungodly.
He forgets that what had made him rich, nature is God.Qarun has now become a very wealthy man. So rich, the keys of the ware house wealth can no longer be carried by humans. But it brought 60 camels. Qarun been showing off wealth, he came out with a very fancy dress, accompanied by 600 servants; 300 men and 300 women. Not only that, he was guarded by 4000 bodyguards and 4000 a healthy farm animals, plus 60 camels carrying the key. Many people look at, and felt amazed. In fact, some of them are saying:
"Wahh, look it is all the wealth Qarun, I really want to be like him". He ignored the people conversations, he continues to flaunt his wealth andcontinue around until arriving at his palace. He is very arrogant
One day Moses told by God to do the Zakat. Moses then sent one of hisfollowers to take the zakat from Qarun. As soon as, Qarun immediately angryand refused to give a bit of wealth. Because, according to her wealth was the result of hard work and effort itself, has nothing to do with God or other deities.
Ummah: "Do not be fooled by your things, and do not let the excitement with theproperty that forgetting of gratitude of God
Qarun: "I am indeed been given to it, because the science a there to me. Nothing to do with God or other gods. "
Ummah: "try to give alms, and share a little of your wealth is."
Qarun: "no, no I would never share it"
Ummah: "Qarun, why did you turn out this way, you were good and pious man,why did you forget all about it"
Qarun: "it is silent ..! I no longer want to hear a lecture from you ... go!, or you callmy bodyguard "
Ummah: "Let me go, assalamu alaikum."
Qarun: "I am indeed been given to it, because the science a there to me. Nothing to do with God or other gods. "
Ummah: "try to give alms, and share a little of your wealth is."
Qarun: "no, no I would never share it"
Ummah: "Qarun, why did you turn out this way, you were good and pious man,why did you forget all about it"
Qarun: "it is silent ..! I no longer want to hear a lecture from you ... go!, or you callmy bodyguard "
Ummah: "Let me go, assalamu alaikum."
Qarun not agree with what happened yesterday, he hired a woman that claimed to have done no good to the Prophet Moses as. When all the Children of Israelhad gathered,
Qarun: "O Children of Israel, know what you think of Moses as a prophet and a good person, it is not. In fact, he had knocked up her, today, we'll watch with its own direct recognition of this woman "
Moses, sad he immediately prayed and prayed to God, that God will reveal the real truth. Finish the Prophet Moses prayed,
woman: "Moses did not do anything with me, he's a good man, I paid by Qarunto say that I was impregnated by Moses".
At that, the Prophet Musa, immediately prostrate themselves as a sense ofgratitude to God.
Qarun: "What! .. It's wrong .. argh! You're fired as a servant .. well, I will challengeMoses to pray together, who have been granted his prayer, then that is correctand should be followed. "
Qarun: "O Children of Israel, know what you think of Moses as a prophet and a good person, it is not. In fact, he had knocked up her, today, we'll watch with its own direct recognition of this woman "
Moses, sad he immediately prayed and prayed to God, that God will reveal the real truth. Finish the Prophet Moses prayed,
woman: "Moses did not do anything with me, he's a good man, I paid by Qarunto say that I was impregnated by Moses".
At that, the Prophet Musa, immediately prostrate themselves as a sense ofgratitude to God.
Qarun: "What! .. It's wrong .. argh! You're fired as a servant .. well, I will challengeMoses to pray together, who have been granted his prayer, then that is correctand should be followed. "
Moses agreed to the challenge of Qarun, the prophet Moses invited Qarun to pray first.
Qarun then prayed: "O ruler of the universe god, shut down Moses right now."
However. Moses did not die, he is still alive and standing upright.
Now turn to Moses prayed: "O earth, destroy the entire wealth Qarun and now"
Not long later, the earth shook, and immediately the earth split, so that the body of the Qarun and swallowed up the entire wealth of the earth.
There is no single the remaining wealth Qarun, besides the ruins of his palace ais still standing strong, the palace this reminds both a witness and a lesson to the nations preceding you, that anyone who is smug, arrogant and miserly, his fatewill be like Qarun, destroyed, perish .
However. Moses did not die, he is still alive and standing upright.
Now turn to Moses prayed: "O earth, destroy the entire wealth Qarun and now"
Not long later, the earth shook, and immediately the earth split, so that the body of the Qarun and swallowed up the entire wealth of the earth.
There is no single the remaining wealth Qarun, besides the ruins of his palace ais still standing strong, the palace this reminds both a witness and a lesson to the nations preceding you, that anyone who is smug, arrogant and miserly, his fatewill be like Qarun, destroyed, perish .
Since destroyed Qarun and wealth into the earth, then from that moment until now, every time you get the treasure in the ground or in the earth, we often call it by means treasure Treasure of the Qarun. Until now also become a symbolQarun and scorn for people who are stingy with property wealth.
One valuable lesson from the story of Qarun, that anyone who smugly. Stingy anddisobedient, will eventually destroyed. In addition, God reminds us that neitherthe difficulty or ease, poverty or the luxury of all is a test. How many peoplesurvived when tested poverty and hardship. However, very few people survived when tested with the luxury and splendor. After all, Qarun own when poor, he was a good and pious? However, when the already wealthy, he became sinners.Therefore, may we all do not forget and not ungodly with the wealth that we have today. Remember, wealth is also a test from God.
One valuable lesson from the story of Qarun, that anyone who smugly. Stingy anddisobedient, will eventually destroyed. In addition, God reminds us that neitherthe difficulty or ease, poverty or the luxury of all is a test. How many peoplesurvived when tested poverty and hardship. However, very few people survived when tested with the luxury and splendor. After all, Qarun own when poor, he was a good and pious? However, when the already wealthy, he became sinners.Therefore, may we all do not forget and not ungodly with the wealth that we have today. Remember, wealth is also a test from God.
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